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Sunday 2 March 2014

Developing Self Discipline everyday to reach happiness and anything you desire.

Today I would like to talk about how important it is to stick to a certain plan, to a certain habit to not go back, or fall, into the bad habit that we're trying to escape from this can be achieve by developing self discipline.

Are you maybe trying to live in a healthier way? Or maybe trying to be happier of even trying to be more productive, exercise more, or become more disciplined in general? Or are you just going through a bad time in your life? Read on and hopefully you will find inspiration and comfort.

As I said in my previous post the beginning is the hardest part but if the desire its real, if its a genuine internal desire than you will keep going, you will reach what you want. You simply have to understand that the biggest step, the biggest issue is simple yourself. If you wear red tinted glasses everything you see appears a bit red and so think of this as the perception that you have of the world, when you're happy and content you see good around you, you focus on that, when instead your thoughts and mind are covered in "red"then you will perceive everything in red, you will focus on the bad you will pretty much see the bad aspects of everything while if you're happy within everything appears better.

Now adjust what I am writing to your situation, I am writing to help as many people as I can and majority of issues in your life can be overcome by simply changing your view, your mentality.

Developing Self Discipline quote10What goes on in your head is the most important thing, you need to truly believe that you will get there, no matter what or that anything can be overcome or improved, no matter what. Very easy to say when things are nice and all is well but soon or later you will be tested.

You will be slapped across the face a couple of times and if you keep going then it means that you truly want it, that you truly desire it. Going through a rough period its good, see this in a positive way, you will be pushed to achieve more to force your mind to come up with a great idea or to improve yourself somehow, it depends on what you're working at. If you have a certain issue that keeps arising in your life it means that its something that you need to be work on, not run away from, as it will always chase you.

Change and improvement are hard to achieve, hard to go through but so worth doing because they will pay off.

How easy is it to go back to your old habits, to just jump back into your bad habit in no time at all. I think of it like climbing a mountain or a wall, a bit like rock climbing, how hard is it to climb that wall and how easy is it to fall? It takes seconds to fall. Just like trying to improve your life, it takes time to get there, just like climbing, and it takes no time to fall. Patience and perseverance are key ingredients at this stage, or maybe should I say at any stage of your life? I know for sure that by developing self discipline anything is achievable.

You must train your mind. Your mind, attitude and thoughts are the most important part to success, to achieve what ever you desire or to overcome anything in life. You need to start having positive talks with yourself, you need to always be nice towards yourself but at the same time push yourself, not give up for any reason, not accept failure, you need to achieve what you want no matter what.

Developing Self Discipline quote11You will be slapped across the face but that is part of the journey to success, this is life, you must be ready and prepared to go through anything. You must acknowledge that failure is part of success, through failure you will achieve what you truly desire, but you can't quit until you reach it, that is the failure that you need to stay away from. True failure is giving up, is running away from certain feelings, even if you do a little each day don't give up, never give up or you will never achieve anything in life.

I am sure that sometimes you feel like you certainly will get there, you will surely succeed but do you feel like that even when things go wrong? Not many really do. When things go wrong you must be strong, you must accept and acknowledge that every sometimes you will have a bad day, that bad things unfortunately happen, when you acknowledge this you will then be able to recover, to stand back up, again, and keep going, keep moving forward.

You must then be grateful for the bad because it has helped you, it has made you a stronger person capable of overcoming shit, overcoming what ever will go wrong and making success taste even better. I hope my post has helped you somehow.

Here you can grab my FREE report;  Click here for The 5 Mistakes most people make when it comes to being happy.

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